Pocket Queens Good for Tim Vance

Nov 30, 2023

A player raises to 1,200 under the gun and Tim Vance three-bets to 3,600 UTG+1. Action folds back to the original raiser and he calls.

The flop comes Spade 10Club 6Diamond 3 and under the gun checks to Vance, who continuation-bets 5,000. The player check-raises all in for 17,500 and Vance quickly calls.

All-In Player: Club ASpade Q
Vance: Club QHeart Q

“You got me,” says the all-in player after seeing Vance’s queens. Vance holds as Club 8Diamond 5 makes the runout official and he sends his opponent to the rail.

Tim Vance – 91,500 (228 bb)

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