Rafik Zouaghi Eliminated by Trevor Argue

May 17, 2024

Rafik Zouaghi moves all in from the hijack for 6,300, Trevor Argue moves all in over the top from the button for about 31,000, and everyone else folds.

Zouaghi shows Club 9Diamond 7, and he needs to improve to stay alive against Argue’s Spade AHeart 6.

The board comes Spade 7Club 5Club 2Spade 3Heart 4, and Zouaghi pairs his seven on the flop, only to see Argue catch a runner-runner seven-high straight. Argue wins the pot to eliminate Zouaghi.

Trevor Argue  –  39,000  (78 bb)
Rafik Zouaghi  –  Eliminated

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