Ramzi Karam (24th Place) and Michael Korovine (23rd Place) Eliminated on Same Hand

Dec 3, 2013

Derrick Rosenbarger (pictured above) raises to 45,000 preflop from late position and Michael Korovine reraises all in on the small blind. Ramzi Karam calls all in on the big blind and Rosenbarger calls to cover both of his opponents. The three players then flip over their cards.

Rosenbarger: [KhKs]
Korovine: [QsQc]
Karam: [10c10s]

Board: [Ad7c5d7d5s]

Rosenbarger eliminates both Karam (24th) and Korovine (23rd) to take the chip lead with 4,320,000.

Derrick Rosenbarger – 4,320,000 (216 bb)
Ramzi Karam – Eliminatd in 24th Place ($19,713)
Michael Korovine – Eliminated in 23rd Place ($19,713)

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