Aug 5, 2012
The voices of Chino Rheem and Baris Topkaya are being heard with more and more frequency, as the two seem be to intent on having a little tete-a-tete during each hand. The more recent action actually silenced Rheem after Topkaya check-called two streets before over shoving the river on a board of [Qc] [2c] [2d] [Kh] [7d]. The over shove was for 32,000 and the decision was for Chino Rheem’s tournament life.
It was a tough one for Rheem and one that resulted in the clock being called. The floor person counted down to zero and as Rheem had still not made his decision his hand was folded.
"What did you have…what did you have?" asked Rheem.
Topkaya eventually told Rheem that he had pocket sevens and Rheem replied that he had pocket nines.
"See what these guys have to do to bluff me?" Said Rheem.