Richard Bodis Eliminated By Hoa Vinh Luong

May 12, 2023

Richard Bodis moves all in for 12,000 from early position where Szymon Bujok calls in middle position and in in the big blind, Hoa Vinh Luong moves all in for 38,900 and Bujok folds. 

Richard Bodis: Club JClub 3
Hoa Vinh Luong: Heart 9Spade 9

The board runs out Heart AHeart 3Diamond 4Diamond 8Club 2 and Luong’s nines held up as the best hand while Bodis exited the tournament area. 

Hoa Vinh Luong – 64,700 (40 bb)
Szymon Bujok – 42,000 (26 bb)
Richard Bodis – Eliminated


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