Roman Pumpernick Doubles Thru John Thornton

Apr 22, 2024

Roman PumpernickPhoto: Roman Pumpernick

A sizable pot of about 1,500,000 has been built by the turn with a board of Club QHeart JSpade 6Heart 2.

Roman Pumpernick moves all in for 850,000 and gets called by John Thornton.

Roman Pumpernick: Heart 6Diamond 6
John Thornton: Heart AHeart K

Pumpernick needs to fade a heart or a ten on the river, and after the dealer places the Diamond 5, Pumpernick collects the pot, leaving Thornton with under 20 big blinds.

Roman Pumpernick – 3,260,000 (43 bb)
John Thornton – 1,100,000 (14 bb)

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