Ruixiao Shi Eliminated by Kevin DiPasquale

May 16, 2024

Ruixiao Shi
Photo:  Ruixiao Shi

After a flop of Diamond KClub 8Heart 5, Ruixiao Shi checks from the small blind, Kevin DiPasquale bets from the cutoff, and Shi calls.

The turn card is the Heart 4, Shi checks, DiPasquale moves all in for about 275,000, and Shi tanks for a while before he calls all in for 52,000 with Spade 10Heart 10.

But DiPasquale turns over Spade 8Diamond 8 for a flopped set of eights, and Shi needs to catch a ten on the river to stay alive.

The river card pairs the board with the Club 5, and DiPasquale wins the pot with a full house, eights full of fives, to eliminate Shi.

Kevin DiPasquale  –  380,000  (190 bb)
Ruixiao Shi  –  Eliminated

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