Oct 27, 2011
We missed most of the action, but the players at Ryan Welch’s table insisted on filling us in on how Ryan Welch managed to double up after getting it all-in on the flop with bottom pair up against top set.
As Welch and the table tell it, the player under the gun raised to 450 and Ryan Welch reraised to 2,100 from the cutoff. The initial raiser called and they went heads-up to a flop of 9-6-3 rainbow. The initial raiser checked, Welch bet 2,700, and the other player check-raised to 7,000 total. Welch moved all-in for around 23,000 and the other player called all-in for slightly less than that.
Welch’s opponent looked to be in good shape with 9-9 for top set, especially after Welch turned over [3h4h] for bottom pair with backdoor flush and straight draws, but Welch managed to hit a heart on the turn and the river to backdoor a winning flush.
The other player was eliminated and wished Welch luck on the way out the door.
Welch thanked him, saying, "What can I say? I got lucky."
Ryan Welch – 55,000