Mar 10, 2018
The biggest pot of the tournament took place at a table between Bart Lybaert and Sander van Wesemael (pictured above).
After an open to 9,500, Bart Lybaert three-bet to 22,000. Van Wesemael four-bet to 65,000 out of the big blind. The initial raiser folded and Lybaert five-bet to 132,000. Van Wesemael called.
The flop came and Van Wesemael check-called a bet of 80,000. The turn was the and Lybaetr moved all in after Van Wesemael checked to him.
Van Wesemael called and showed [p]axqx[/pc] for a straight, ahead of the of Lybaert. The river was a brick and Van Wesemael eliminated Lybaert, and moved up to 875,000 in chips.