Santiago Plante Survives a Flip Against Felix Martel-Racine

Oct 27, 2024

Photo: Santiago Plante

Santiago Plante raises to 35,000 under the gun and Felix Martel-Racine moves all in from middle position. The table folds back to Plante who quickly calls for 325,000.

Santiago Plante: Spade JClub J
Felix Martel-Racine: Club AClub Q

Plante is racing for his tournament life as the board runs out Spade 7Heart 4Spade 4Spade 2Heart 6, keeping his jacks in the lead and earning him a double up.

Santiago Plante- 680,000 (45 bb)
Felix Martel-Racine- 230,000 (15 bb)

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