Senthuran Vijayaratam Doubles Off Sandy Lam on the Bubble

Oct 27, 2024

Photo: Senthuran Vijayaratnam

Sandy Lam raises to 40,000 in the hijack, Senthuran Vijayaratnam moves all in for 210,000 on the button, and Lam calls.

Senthuran Vijayaratnam: Spade ASpade K
Sandy Lam: Diamond JClub J

The Spade 7Heart 8Spade 5 flop gives Vijayaratnam a flush draw, while he hits top pair on the Heart K turn to take the lead. The river is the Spade 8 and Vijayaratnam improves to a flush to secure a double up.

“Not here for a min-cash. First or nothing,” Vijayaratnam says.

Senthuran Vijayaratnam- 450,000 (38 bb)
Sandy Lam- 360,000 (30 bb)

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