Set over Set over Set

Feb 8, 2014

The flop reads [As10c7h] when Chance Kornuth leads out for 700. Micah Raskin calls and Marsha Wolak raises to 2,500. Kornuth reraises all in for 14,000. Wolak then proceeds to get the last of her chips in against Raskin as well so all three players flip over their cards.

Kornuth: [AdAh]
Wolak: [10d10s]
Raskin: [7d7c]

Turn and River: [8hJc]

Kornuth triples up to 42,000 and wins the hand. Wolak holds 36,000 after the hand since she lost to Kornuth but doubles thru Raskin, and Raskin is left with 18,000 after the huge pot is dispersed.

Chance Kornuth – 42,000 (280 bb)
Marsha Wolak – 36,000 (240 bb)
Micah Raskin – 18,000 (120 bb)

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