Steven Merrifield Doubles Through Cornel Andrew Cimpan

Nov 7, 2009

We missed most of the action in this hand, but Merrifield was kind enough to provide a brief summary:

"I played like an idiot," Merrifield explains. 

According to Merrifield, Cimpan checked the [Kh][Qc][4c] and Merrifield checked back.  The turn brought the [7c] and Cimpan led out for a bet into the raised pot.  Merrifield called and the two saw the river fall [Jh]. 

We caught up with the action as Merrifield was contemplating Cimpan’s all-in shove on the river.

"I hate the way I played this hand," Merrifield says to himself.  "Especially the turn." 

After several minutes of thinking, Merrifield calls.  Before he can turn up his cards Cimpan tells him, "good call."  Merrifield shows [Ac][Ad] and Cimpan mucks.

Steven Merrifield – 310,000
Cornel Andrew Cimpan – 317,000

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