The Magic of Music Between Ben Bensimhon and Anthony Vandrepotte

Jan 7, 2018

Ben Bensimhon & Anthony Vandrepotte
The stereotypical image of a poker player is one in a hoodie, with sunglasses and headphones. Social is not a frequently-used adjective; perhaps at other tours. Here at the WPTDeepStacks Berlin, Ben Bensimhon was growing tired of his own music.

“Where are you from,” he asked Anthony Vandrepotte seated to his left.

“Belgium,” replied Vandrepotte, and Bensimhon motioned to swap headphones. The Belgian did so.

“Let’s hear some Belgian music!” said Bensimhon. “You’re listening to Jack Johnson. It’s a good album.”

“I know why you wanted to swap,” said Vandrepotte, motioning towards his phone, “Your headphones are almost out of battery.

“Next level I will double up, and then I will go and charge,” said Bensimhon. “You have no idea what is coming in the next level. You cannot imagine!”

We wait and see whether Bensimhon stays true to his word!

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