'The Voice' Runner-up Marvin Dupre Enjoying Marrakech

Oct 6, 2017


During the last break, we caught up with French singer-songwriter Marvin Dupre to ask him how he was finding things here in Marrakech. He is a special guest of PMU and is seated in the Main Event having late reg’d.

We asked him how he got into poker in the first place.

“Just with friends really,” replied Dupre. “It started at home; partying and just chilling – no real money involved – it was just about bragging rights.

“After that I realised I really liked the game and wanted to play more!”

Dupre is a guest of PMU and he says that it was cool for him to be invited.

“I’m a composer in France and PMU invited me. And I love this game, so I said no problem! It was very nice to be invited here to Marrakech.

“The venue is very nice. I’ve been here before, but not for poker. I just came here for fun, so this is my first time for poker. I’m very happy, and I hope to be here for a few more days yet!”


Despite late regging the Main Event, Dupre has already come into a few spots at the felt.

“There were no big plays, just a few spots when I was on the button. Actually, there was this one big hand where I shoved all in and got called.

“I had the nuts and raised all in, and my opponent tanked. So I thought ‘I’m going to win!” but then he called and said ‘Nuts’ also. I was like ‘Really? Are you really going to slowroll me liek that?'”


Even though we’re still in the early stages, Dupre has two major objectives:

“So long as I’m having fun, that’s great. But I also really want to make Day 2!”

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