Thomas Schultz Eliminated in 57th Place by Chris Limo

Dec 17, 2022

Thomas Schultz EliminatedPhoto:  Thomas Schultz

Action is three-handed on a flop of Heart 8Heart 4Diamond 2, and Rami Owera checks in the big blind. Chris Limo bets 325,000 in the lojack, and Thomas Schultz (pictured) jams for 1.4 million.

Owera goes into the tank for over five minutes before finding a fold, and Limo immediately announces a call once it’s his turn to do so.

Schultz shows Heart JClub J and is ahead of Limo’s Diamond 7Spade 7. Limo announces that he needs some help and immediately finds a Club 7 on the turn to hit his set. The river is the Heart K, and Limo’s set remains best to earn him the pot and the knockout.

Chris Limo – 10,200,000 (102 bb)
Rami Owera – 6,200,000 (62 bb)
Thomas Schultz – Eliminated in 57th Place ($61,350)

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