Tony Cousineau Folds Kings Preflop

Apr 21, 2010

Maroun Jazzar raises to 35,000 in middle position and Olivier Busquet reraises to 90,000 from the cutoff.  Scotty Nguyen is in the small blind and he puts in another raise to 270,000.

Tony Cousineau is in the big blind and rises from his chair.

"Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick," Cousineau yells, drawing the attention of nearly everyone in the room. He is pained as he deliberates, eventually throwing his hand away.

Cliff Josephy and Todd Terry are also seated at the table and Josephy immediately mouths "good fold" to Terry.  Jarraz and Busquet quickly fold and Nguyen takes the pot.

"I folded kings," Cousineau tells the table.  Right on cue, Nguyen flips up his hand–[AdAh].

Scotty Nguyen – 770,000

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