Sep 18, 2014
Action folds to Darren Elias on the button and he raises to 50,000. Vincent Jacques is in the small blind and reraises to 141,000. Elias takes some time before four-betting to 325,000 total.
Jacques takes a couple of minutes before announcing he is all-in for around 1 million. Elias quickly calls with [AsKh]. Jacques is behind with his [Ad4h].
Jacques gets no help from the [Qs2s2cJs9d] board and he is eliminated, while Elias jumps into the top three chip counts.
This is not the first time Elias has found success at Borgata. He finished fifth in this event back in Season X, the same year Bobby Oboodi won.
Darren Elias – 2,950,000 (123 bb)
Vincent Jacques – Eliminated in 29th place ($15,109)