Winopoker Hits the Rail

Aug 19, 2018

Kayla Voogd_WPT500_DSC_4677

On a flop of Diamond 10Heart JClub 6 with around 14,000 in the middle, Kayla “Winopoker” Voogd (pictured) was facing a bet of 4,500. She responds by moving all in for 21,000, and Michael Williams calls next to act on the button as the flop aggressor folds.

Voogd: Heart KHeart Q
Williams: Club QSpade J

Voogd was trailing and at-risk with her overcard and straight draw.

The turn and river blanked out with the Spade 5 and Heart 8, and Voogd was eliminated.

Michael Williams – 150,000
Kayle Voogd – Eliminated

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