WPT Passport Winner Nery Escalona Eliminated by Rajat Singh

Apr 13, 2023

S21 WPT Prime India

PHOTO: Nery Escalona

Rajat Singh raises to 600 from middle position and is called by the hijack before Nery Escalona moves all in for his last 3,500.

Both opponents call and the flop comes Diamond 6Spade 10Spade 8. Escalona’s potential executioners both check to the Diamond 7 turn and Singh now bets 3,500 which sheds the hijack, leaving Escalona’s fate to himself.

Nery Escalona: Heart KHeart Q
Rajat Singh: Spade ASpade 9

Singh has Escalona drawing dead with his ten-high straight, sending the WPT passport winner to the rail early in the day.


Rajat Singh – 41,200
Nery Escalona – eliminated

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