Sep 10, 2019
With 11 players remaining, there are two post-flop all-in-and-call situations at both tables simultaneously. One hand is paused while the other is played out for everyone to see, and then the other hand will be played out, but the results will be considered simultaneous.
At Table 1, after a flop of , Zhao Jiajun (pictured) is all in with for a pair of jacks, but he needs to improve to stay alive against the (set of fours) of Huynh Tan Dung.
The turn card is the , giving Jiajun two pair and outs to a full house, but the river card is the . Tan Dung wins the pot with his set of fours to eliminate Jiajun in 10th place.
Huynh Tan Dung – 5,800,000 (145 bb)
Zhao Jiajun – Eliminated in 10th Place (VND 316,222,000/~US $13,598)