Tags for 'nikolai-yakovenko'
Live Updates Results
Nikolai Yakovenko Eliminated by Mike Meskin World Poker Finals Level 13: 1,000-2,000WPT Foxwoods World Poker Finals Day 2 Recap World Poker Finals Level 11: 600-1,200Ryan Welch Eliminated by Nikolai Yakovenko World Poker Finals Level 8: 300-600WPT Foxwoods World Poker Finals Day 1 Recap World Poker Finals Level 6: 200-400Peter Politano Is the First to 100000 World Poker Finals Level 5: 150-300Politano Wins With Quads Because Yakovenko Folded a Straight Flush Draw World Poker Finals Level 3: 100-200Jeff Forrest Finds a Little Beginners Luck in Foxwoods Foxwoods World Poker Finals Level 29: 50,000-100,000Hand 82 Nikolai Yakovenko Eliminated in 4th Place 170773 Foxwoods World Poker Finals Level 26: 25,000-50,000Nikolai Yakovenko Worries About His Image Foxwoods World Poker Finals Level 25: 20,000-40,000Hand 43 NIkolai Yakovenko Sucks Out to Double Thru Thomas Marchese Foxwoods World Poker Finals Level 25: 20,000-40,000